Cindy Kaza is a clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing) and clairsentient (clear feeling) who works across the country as an evidential medium. Evidential mediumship is a style of mediumship practiced around the world that puts heavy weight on the medium’s ability to bring through extremely specific evidence to the sitter. This evidence can include, but is certainly not limited to, names, personality traits, physical ailments, favorite past times, and phrases often used by loved ones in spirit. The purpose of this style of mediumship is to diminish skepticism among sitters and to prove that the medium is truly connecting with the client’s loved ones in spirit.
Cindy has been extremely intuitive since very early childhood. At the tender age of 10 she had her first memorable experience with a spirit. Days after losing a childhood friend in a fatal car accident, Cindy woke up in the middle of the night to see her friend standing next to her bed. At the time, she dismissed this experience and convinced herself it was just a dream. It wasn’t until her early 20’s that she realized she was having psychic and mediumistic experiences all along. During this “awakening” she began searching for answers and reasons for her experiences and became aware of her multi-faceted abilities as a psychic medium. She began training not only in the United States but also at the Arthur Findlay School of Intuitive Sciences in Stansted, England. She believes in compassionately sharing her gift with others while also opening up others to the gifts they too possess and that everyone is inherently intuitive and able to feel Spirit!
Cindy and her husband, Rich Redmond, touring/recording drummer with multi-platinum recording artist Jason Aldean, currently reside in Nashville and Los Angeles.
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